Spicy Thai seafood soup with lemon sorghum
From this hot soup smells like real Thailand - that noisy, sea, floral, dark-skinned and smiling paradise with spicy aromas, in which we love to go to rest - well,…

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Phad Thai with Shrimp and Rice Noodles in Tamarind Sauce
Tamarind is such an Asian tree. Long pods with beans are collected from it. Their flesh is edible and very healthy. Improves digestion! From sour and immature tamarind make pasta.…

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Rice and Shrimp Rolls
Indonesians are very respectful of food. This is evidenced by the numerous mobile eateries in the open air - varungs (owners, cooks, waiters and cleaners in them are usually all…

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excellent aphrodisiac

What is the use of coconut

In the mid-twentieth century, coconut water was used as a short-term substitute for blood plasma, because the juice of an intact nut is absolutely sterile and has all the necessary plasma properties. They even say that from coconut you can develop real engine fuel – a kind of biodiesel. Coconut palm, if necessary, can provide carefree residents of tropical islands with food, shelter, clothing and utensils. A real paradise tree! But this is far from all its possibilities. Continue reading

Beef Rendang
This indonesian and malay dish is most aboriginal called festive. Beef, coconut milk and lots of spices are stewed together, sometimes a few hours, after which the rendang is served…


Thai style tomato and strawberry dressing
Dressing in this salad plays a major role. Tomatoes are also required, but strawberries can be replaced with peaches, apricots, plums or currants. INGREDIENTS 4–5 ripe Uzbek tomatoes 200 g…


Blue Tea and Galangal: New Thai Bar Neon Monkey
A small evening bar occupied a two-level space in the courtyards of Bolshaya Dmitrovka. On the ground floor there is a spacious contact bar, on the second floor there is…
