Thai Fried Rice with Seafood
I present to you the recipe for making Thai fried rice with seafood. The dish is simply incomparable in taste, I advise everyone to try it! Thai Fried Rice with…

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Thai salmon ceviche with papaya and avocado
INGREDIENTS avocado 120 g papaya 120 g salmon fillet 360 g cilantro 24 g chili pepper 4 g soya dongu 200 ml fish sauce 400 ml tabasco 40 ml lime…

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Thai squid salad
Who has nailed to our east coast today? And it’s beaten up by various reptiles of the sea ... We select a shrimp, a crab or we take from it…

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Spicy Thai seafood soup with lemon sorghum

From this hot soup smells like real Thailand – that noisy, sea, floral, dark-skinned and smiling paradise with spicy aromas, in which we love to go to rest – well, and eat, of course.

300 g of various peeled seafood (scallops, squid fillet, mussels)
300 g large shrimps or langoustines in shells
1 liter of strong chicken or spicy vegetable stock
a handful of “straw” mushrooms (volvarilla), or shiitake, or honey mushrooms
1-3 small hot red chili peppers
2 lime juice
3-4 green onion feathers
medium bunch of very fresh cilantro
10 kaffir lime leaves
3-4 stems of lemon sorghum
3 tbsp. l thai fish sauce us pla

Step 1
Peel the shrimp or langoustines, save the shells. In shrimp or langoustines, remove the black intestinal vein by making a shallow longitudinal incision in the back.
Step 2
Cut the hard tops of lemon sorghum, leaving no more than 15 cm. Crush the stalk with the flat side of a heavy knife or rolling pin. Or simply tap the stem with a hammer to beat meat.
Step 3
Rinse the shells, put in a pan, fill with broth. Add lemon sorghum and lime leaves, bring to a boil over low heat, reduce heat to minimum, cook for 10 minutes. Strain the broth, return to the pan.
Step 4
For mushrooms, remove the hard legs, “straw” mushrooms cut in half, cut the shiitake into slices. Cut the green onion into small pieces, remove the stems from the cilantro. Remove the seeds and white partitions from the chili, cut the flesh into rings (leave the seeds and white partitions if you like very sharp ones).
Step 5
Bring the broth to a boil, put the mushrooms and shrimp or langoustines, cook over low heat until the shrimps turn pink, 1-3 minutes. Put the rest of the seafood, cook another 2 minutes. Add chives and chili; season with lime juice and fish sauce, warm and serve with cilantro leaves.
It’s not easy to find fresh Kaffir lime leaves here. But dried, they are sold in the same place where the rest of the “tricky” spices – in eastern markets and in shops of Indian spices. If you could not find any, replace the leaves with the zest of those 2 limes from which you squeezed the juice. Put half of the zest in the form of wide stripes together with shells, the other half – crushed – at the very end, along with lime juice and other ingredients.

Tom yum with shrimp and chili sea bass
The secret to the pit is the virtuoso plexus of flavors and the perfect freshness of the ingredients. This is a new variation - with shrimp and chili sea bass.…


Yellow curry with Thai eggplant, mini corn and bok choy cabbage
INGREDIENTS Base for yellow curry - 130 g Thai eggplant - 25 g Mini Corn - 2 g String Beans - 2 g Bok choy mini salad - 15 g…


Beef Rendang
This indonesian and malay dish is most aboriginal called festive. Beef, coconut milk and lots of spices are stewed together, sometimes a few hours, after which the rendang is served…
