What is the use of coconut
In the mid-twentieth century, coconut water was used as a short-term substitute for blood plasma, because the juice of an intact nut is absolutely sterile and has all the necessary plasma properties. They even say that from coconut you can develop real engine fuel – a kind of biodiesel. Coconut palm, if necessary, can provide carefree residents of tropical islands with food, shelter, clothing and utensils. A real paradise tree! But this is far from all its possibilities.The fruits of the coconut palm tree consist of the outer shell, fibers, pulp and coconut water, which is called milk.
It is this water that is valued the most: it contains a low amount of sugar and carbohydrates, while it contains lauric acid, which normalizes blood pressure and has antiviral and anthelmintic properties. Also, the composition of coconut water includes calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, B vitamins, riboflavin. This healing fluid removes toxins and increases the body’s ability to regenerate. Coconut water will come in handy for those who want to lose weight, because it has properties that accelerate metabolism.
Coconut water – delicious, vitamin, suitable for use in cooking and giving a refreshing effect in the heat, must still try to turn into coconut milk. To do this, chop the flesh of a coconut, for example, rub it on a grater, mix it with water, and then squeeze it. The consistency depends on the proportions – the less water, the thicker the drink. Thick is used for making sauces and desserts, liquid – for soups.
Coconut milk is quite high-calorie – up to 17% fat, it contains a lot of B vitamins. Ayurvedic tradition suggests that the drink helps with dehydration, loss of strength and skin diseases. It can be drunk with stomach problems – recent studies have shown that coconuts also have a weak antibacterial effect.
The gentle flesh of coconut is used to make desserts and oils. It normalizes thyroid function and helps in the work of the liver, and is also considered an excellent aphrodisiac.
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