Thai red curry paste
There are such seasonings in the world, the presence of which in the house says a lot about its owners. Agree, it is unlikely that you will keep curry paste…

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Basmati brown rice with tofu, bell pepper and orange
I love brown rice. Properly prepared, it gives saturation for long hours, reduces appetite, is rich in minerals, especially potassium, and vitamins B, E, PP, and in combination with tofu,…

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Tom Yam Kung
This famous Thai soup must have been tasted by every lover of spicy cuisine who has ever visited Thailand (or just a Thai restaurant). It is not difficult to make…

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Thai cuisine
Personal experience is perhaps the most valuable information in any field. Cooking, and especially national cuisine, is no exception. Let's look at Thai cuisine through the eyes of Denis Gromov.…


Spicy Thai seafood soup with lemon sorghum
From this hot soup smells like real Thailand - that noisy, sea, floral, dark-skinned and smiling paradise with spicy aromas, in which we love to go to rest - well,…


Sweet black rice
Frankly speaking, from our European point of view, desserts are not the strongest place in many Asian cuisines. And who needs them there, when so many goodies all year round…
