Gado gado salad
This salad with an amazing name for us is an Asian version of French Nicoise. That is, different ingredients are laid out on one dish - mostly vegetables, but there…

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Thai marinade fish
Such fish is best prepared for an informal family dinner, when everyone can, without being embarrassed by the formal situation, deal with a fish ridge, bones and skin. It is…

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What is the use of coconut
In the mid-twentieth century, coconut water was used as a short-term substitute for blood plasma, because the juice of an intact nut is absolutely sterile and has all the necessary…

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heatproof container

Spicy Thai seafood soup with lemon sorghum

From this hot soup smells like real Thailand – that noisy, sea, floral, dark-skinned and smiling paradise with spicy aromas, in which we love to go to rest – well, and eat, of course.

300 g of various peeled seafood (scallops, squid fillet, mussels)
300 g large shrimps or langoustines in shells
1 liter of strong chicken or spicy vegetable stock Continue reading

Basmati brown rice with tofu, bell pepper and orange
I love brown rice. Properly prepared, it gives saturation for long hours, reduces appetite, is rich in minerals, especially potassium, and vitamins B, E, PP, and in combination with tofu,…


Spicy Thai seafood soup with lemon sorghum
From this hot soup smells like real Thailand - that noisy, sea, floral, dark-skinned and smiling paradise with spicy aromas, in which we love to go to rest - well,…


Thai Coconut Noodle and Shrimp Soup
If you have not had to try Thai cuisine yet, then this soup is a great occasion to start an acquaintance. It has all the iconic Thai products: lemongrass, shrimp,…
