Thai squid salad
This salad is good to cook in the cold season, despite its "hot" Thai origin. A sharp gas station with a bright character will give it the proper taste, which…

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Thai appetizer (MIANG KUM)
One of the most popular snacks in Thailand, it is cooked everywhere, in different versions. Dried shrimp is often used in the recipe. Serve a snack on the leaves of…

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Thai style pickled cabbage
INGREDIENTS 1 head of young cabbage 100 g brown sugar 150 ml apple cider vinegar 4 cm fresh ginger root 4 cloves of garlic 12–16 Kaffir lime leaves 100 ml…

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Thai style tomato and strawberry dressing
Dressing in this salad plays a major role. Tomatoes are also required, but strawberries can be replaced with peaches, apricots, plums or currants. INGREDIENTS 4–5 ripe Uzbek tomatoes 200 g…


Thai seafood curry soup
A soup with which you can impress your friends and more! INGREDIENTS 150 ml coconut milk 150 ml cream 22% fat 1 tbsp. l yellow curry paste 1 PC. (stick)…


Thai red curry paste
There are such seasonings in the world, the presence of which in the house says a lot about its owners. Agree, it is unlikely that you will keep curry paste…
