Thai marinade fish
Such fish is best prepared for an informal family dinner, when everyone can, without being embarrassed by the formal situation, deal with a fish ridge, bones and skin. It is…

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Warm Eggplant Salad
INGREDIENTS 100 g peeled eggplant 40 g of corn starch 10 g of water 3 sprigs of cilantro 30 g pickled lychee 70 g salad dressing deep-frying vegetable oil For…

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Basmati brown rice with tofu, bell pepper and orange
I love brown rice. Properly prepared, it gives saturation for long hours, reduces appetite, is rich in minerals, especially potassium, and vitamins B, E, PP, and in combination with tofu,…

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Thai Banana Tortilla
A banana flat cake is perhaps the most popular Thai dessert. And the real street food: in Thailand, it is cooked on the street, on a mobile stove. If you…


Sweet black rice
Frankly speaking, from our European point of view, desserts are not the strongest place in many Asian cuisines. And who needs them there, when so many goodies all year round…


Gado gado salad
This salad with an amazing name for us is an Asian version of French Nicoise. That is, different ingredients are laid out on one dish - mostly vegetables, but there…
