Thai Coconut Noodle and Shrimp Soup
If you have not had to try Thai cuisine yet, then this soup is a great occasion to start an acquaintance. It has all the iconic Thai products: lemongrass, shrimp,…

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Sweet black rice
Frankly speaking, from our European point of view, desserts are not the strongest place in many Asian cuisines. And who needs them there, when so many goodies all year round…

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Khao Yam, green salad with rice
Since rice is the main food of Thais, in every house it is cooked immediately in large quantities. What remains after lunch or dinner is used to prepare other dishes.…

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fried bananas

Thai Banana Tortilla
A banana flat cake is perhaps the most popular Thai dessert. And the real street food: in Thailand, it is cooked on the street, on a mobile stove. If you…


Thai red curry paste
There are such seasonings in the world, the presence of which in the house says a lot about its owners. Agree, it is unlikely that you will keep curry paste…


Thai Shrimp Omelet
These thin egg pancakes have gained worldwide popularity. They are rolled up into a tube, cut into strips and added to rice or put in chicken stock before serving. Thai-style…
