Classic Thai Food

Thai Sweet Chili Sauce
A delicious addition to meat and seafood dishes. Thai sauce is famous for its ease of preparation and very high taste, which will satisfy everyone's taste. INGREDIENTS 4 fresh chili…

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Yellow curry with Thai eggplant, mini corn and bok choy cabbage
INGREDIENTS Base for yellow curry - 130 g Thai eggplant - 25 g Mini Corn - 2 g String Beans - 2 g Bok choy mini salad - 15 g…

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Thai salad with chicken, shrimp and pineapple
INGREDIENTS 400 g boiled chicken 200 g boiled shrimp 0.5 fresh pineapple 1 head of lettuce 1 onion 2 branches of parsley and mint 1 lemon 2 tbsp vegetable oil…

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Phad Thai with Shrimp and Rice Noodles in Tamarind Sauce

Tamarind is such an Asian tree. Long pods with beans are collected from it. Their flesh is edible and very healthy. Improves digestion! From sour and immature tamarind make pasta. She has an unusual sweetish taste and aroma. In a couple of seconds it will transfer to the streets of Thailand. Pasta is difficult, but can be found in specialty stores. And nothing can be replaced. Continue reading

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Basmati brown rice with tofu, bell pepper and orange
I love brown rice. Properly prepared, it gives saturation for long hours, reduces appetite, is rich in minerals, especially potassium, and vitamins B, E, PP, and in combination with tofu,…


What is the use of coconut
In the mid-twentieth century, coconut water was used as a short-term substitute for blood plasma, because the juice of an intact nut is absolutely sterile and has all the necessary…


Rice and Shrimp Rolls
Indonesians are very respectful of food. This is evidenced by the numerous mobile eateries in the open air - varungs (owners, cooks, waiters and cleaners in them are usually all…
